over 5 years ago, Brian Ackerman
Art Show Reminder- Thursday May 30th at 6:00pm! Join us at Winsor.
over 5 years ago, Brian Ackerman
Art Show
As Winsor students hit the final stretch, some good friends enjoy lunch together on the stage. Thanks to our PTO for making this item available at our gala this past March!
over 5 years ago, Brian Ackerman
Lunch on Stage
over 5 years ago, Brian Ackerman
Orchestra Sings- Grades 3, 4, and 5 went to the Vets today for a great musical program.
over 5 years ago, Brian Ackerman
Winsor at the Vets
Now that spring has begun, our students are spending time in the garden.
over 5 years ago, Brian Ackerman
Hello! SHS is looking for feedback on an Academic Honors Proposal recently shared with the Smithfield School Committee. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and feedback. The form will close on May 17th. Thank you! Full proposal and frequently asked questions may be found at: http://bit.ly/shsacademichonors School Committee slide deck may be found at: http://bit.ly/shshonorsslidedeck Feedback Form
over 5 years ago, Brian Ackerman
Teacher Appreciation Week- Thank you to our PTO for jump starting Teacher Appreciation Week. You are the best!
over 5 years ago, Brian Ackerman
Wild For Winsor
School Improvement Team- Please join us for the May SIT meeting on Tuesday, May 14th in the Winsor Library. We will work on the plan for next year. We hope to see you then!
over 5 years ago, Brian Ackerman
Thank You Winsor! Pennies for Patients has concluded. Early next week we will announce our fundraising total. Your generosity and continued support of this event is greatly appreciated.
over 5 years ago, Brian Ackerman
over 5 years ago, Brian Ackerman
Pennies for Patients Update; Please have all pennies boxes to school by Monday, April 29th. We will total our contributions and see if we met our $2,000 goal. Thanks!
over 5 years ago, Brian Ackerman
Please be reminded that, as the weather gets warmer, Mr. Marino will be holding PE classes outdoors. To ensure he has a full class period, please do not arrive for parent pick up until 2:40pm .Also, as students will be outside before school, a sweatshirt on cool mornings helps. Thanks!
over 5 years ago, Brian Ackerman
Students in Grades 1, 2,, and 3 had a chance to see Kaleidoscope Theater's rendition of Little Red Riding Hood this afternoon. Please see the pictures from this great show.
over 5 years ago, Brian Ackerman
almost 6 years ago, Brian Ackerman
William Winsor Family Event Saturday, May 18th, 4:15pm McCoy Stadium, Private BBQ Event What: Private Winsor BBQ Event, Paw Sox Baseball Game followed by Fireworks show “Most Improved Student Night”(all students in attendance can walk in a parade through the outfield prior to the start of the game….name, grade and school will be announced), Green Tent Private BBQ Space (all you can eat: chicken, hot dogs, burgers, mac & cheese, potato salad and an Ice Cream Bar) Parking lot near tent is first come first served, and our group is invited to sit on the field to watch the fireworks show after the game. When: Saturday, May 18th, BBQ Starts at 4:15pm, Game Starts at 6:15pm Where: McCoy Stadium, 1 Columbus Ave, Pawtucket, RI 02860 Cost: $15 adults / $10 kids (ages 12 and under), all of the above included, please return the portion below to Jennifer Ross at William Winsor by April, 12th with a cash or check (made payable to William Winsor PTO) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
almost 6 years ago, Brian Ackerman
As part of Reading Week, Winsor students held a vocabulary parade around our school today. We love seeing our students show off how many new, fun words they have learned.
almost 6 years ago, Brian Ackerman
Our students were treated to a concert today by the Newport Jazz Band. Special thanks to Mrs. Preston for setting this up!
almost 6 years ago, Brian Ackerman
Newport Jaxx
almost 6 years ago, Brian Ackerman
Please be reminded- Spring Picture Day is tomorrow.
almost 6 years ago, Brian Ackerman
Spring Picture Form