Seeking parent volunteers.
As part of the Recess Rocks initiative, Winsor is seeking parents to join us at recess. If you have the time and availability between 11:30 and 1:00pm, please email Mr. Ackerman at
We will pick a training time soon. Thanks!
Our Weekly Update:
Recess Rocks Update: Dawn Lavallee, our staff trainer, was at Winsor today to monitor our progress. Great news to report: our students are playing the new games and having tons of fun. Thanks to the many staff members that joined in the activities today.
This Week at Winsor:
SIT Meeting Wednesday, March 20th at 3:30pm. Please join us as we discuss the end of the 2019 school year and begin plans for the 2019-2020 school year.
Please help Winsor!
The Surveyworks window closes soon. Please take a few minutes and give us feedback here:
The code was recently emailed. Thank you.
Please be reminded that Kindergarten registration for the 2019-2020 school year remains open. Please see the link below. Feel free to contact the main office at 949-2059 if you have any questions. Thanks.
Our Weekly Newsletter:
We had an amazing concert last evening. Our students brought the house down. Way to go!
Music Concert Tonight!
Please join us at the Smithfield High School auditorium at 5:30pm for an exciting evening.
Kindergarten registration remains open:
Kindergarten Registration for the 2019-2020.
Please click here to begin:
There is a Camp Fair on Saturday, March 23rd at GMS from 10:00-1:00pm. Please consider attending to find out about summer options:
• Meet & Greet: Enrichment, Sports, Day/Overnight Camp Staff
• Kids can visit booths and participate in hands-on activities
• Parents: Get all your camp questions answered!
• Some camps will offer sign up discounts
• Opportunities for kids ages 4-14, plus some summer job opportunities for teens!
Please see our weekly update:
The Smithfield Education Foundation is seeking new members. Please consider attending the next meeting, scheduled for March 11th at 7:00pm in the high school media center.
For Grade 5 Families- Please save the Date: Thursday, May 16th: Visit to GMS @ 6:30pm. More information coming soon.
More Spring Into Health Day photos of our great students. A special shout out to our Grade 5 student leaders for helping our younger students.
Spring Into Health Day Update- Our students learning about good health, nutrition, and planting seeds.
Winsor You are cordially invited to attend...
William Winsor Elementary School
Spring Music Concerts
Thursday, March 14th, 2019
Smithfield High School Auditorium
Grades K, 1, and 2 at 5:30-6:15 p.m.
Grades 5, 3, and 4 at 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Please join us for a fantastic evening of music
presented by all children in grades K through 5!
*There will be an intermission from 6:15-6:30 p.m.
*Children may wear their best spring clothes to the concert.
(Please do not feel obligated to purchase new clothes for this event.)
*Children will sit with their family in the audience until it is time
for them to come up to perform. We ask that children please be seated
with their family in the auditorium at the above listed times.
*5th Grade Band Members will set up on the stage at 6:15 during intermission. Thank you so much for your cooperation!
*Admission is free, however donations for the
music program will be gladly accepted.
Concert- March 14th
Reminder: Spring Into Health Day is tomorrow! Students- please wear your colored T-shirt:
Kindergarten: Blue (Blueberries)
Grade 1: Yellow (Bananas)
Grade 2- Red (Apples or Tomatoes)
Grade 3- Orange (Oranges)
Grade 4: Purple (Grapes or Mixed Color Carrots)
Grade 5: Green (Snap Peas)
5th Grade Flava in action this afternoon. AWESOME job!